Multimedia Technology and Consumption

Unit 1A.4 Multimedia Technology and Consumption: Research project


Use this structure:

  • Introduce the topic: How do we consume digital tech nowadays? Include connectivity, convergence, interactivity and personalisation
  • Do some interviews with at least two young people, and two older adults. Find out about how they consume technology.  Which devices do they use? Apps / features? How often? How important is this technology to them? Is digital technology a good or a bad thing for them?
  • Give definitions, examples and evaluation (advantages and disadvantages) of immediacy, access, convenience, portability and connectivity

Create a prezi or emaze on your findings > upload to blog – Unit 1

         Digital media refers to audio, video, and photo content that has been encoded (digitally compressed). Encoding content involves converting audio and video input into a digital media file such as a Windows Media file.

     In my point of view, digital technology nowadays is a device used by majority of the society once it has a big utility in many jobs, where people need to use products such as: computers, iPads to work. People also use digital technology products to get informed about what’s happening around the world, communicate with other people from other parts of the world. It helps people to interact with each other, it is basically part of our daily routine.


We consume digital tech nowadays more than we imagine, for example our phones, we are always in contact with it, the computers we use at school for our media lessons for example, the USB we use to save documents, etc.

  • Convergence is where different types of technology goes through various platforms e.g.: TV                                                                                                      Technological convergence is when new technologies and perform the same task but in a more advance manner. Before, we used to listen music using radio, once technological convergence has evolved we use phones more often to listen to music.                                                                                                                                         An advantage would be that the intuitions would have more advertisements; they would promote their film by games based on the own movie.
  • Connectivity is the state of being connected to people with technology e.g.: social networks, virtual reality.
  • Interactivity is something available to the user for a better experience or information e.g.: level of control, hyperlinks.
  • Personalisation is what the user does to make that technology their own or give it that personal touch e.g.: music playlist, logging in.


I asked two young people about how they use digital tech in they daily routine and what they think about it:

One of them was a male, 22 years old, is a computer science student and says daily he uses technology to solve problems. He writes software to make computers do new things or accomplish tasks more efficiently. They create applications for mobile devices, develop websites, and program software. He daily uses windows. he says: ' I personally think digital media


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