Legal and Ethical considerations

                        Legal and Ethical considerations

Libel-Law. defamation by written or printed words, pictures, or in any form other than by spoken words or gestures. the act or crime of publishing it. a formal written declaration or statement, as one containing the allegations of a plaintiff or the grounds of a charge.

Defamation-the publication of a statement about someone that lowers him or her in the estimation of right-thinking members of society generally, where no defence (usually truth, opinion, or qualified privilege) is available.

Privacy- law may be relevant, for example, when you are reporting stories about people’s personal or sexual lives, finances, information about their health, or filming them in their house without their permission. It can even sometimes include situations where the person is in a public place - for example, at a funeral.

Equality- during the first US presidential debate, observes noted that Donald Trump interrupted Hilary Clinton 51 times, while Clinton talked over her opponent 17 times.
For many commentators, the gender dynamics within these televised debates have been impossible to ignore. They have magnified the gendered nature of political debate globally. In countries around the world, “masculine” qualities of strength and aggression are valued. And women are interrupted.

Media cooperatives are a form of cooperative that report on news based on the geographic location of their membership, or the general interests of the membership.


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